A convite do meu amigo de Santa Maria, o mestre Byrata, bolei uma tira para ele colocar na revista que ele está produzindo. Quem quiser conhecer o trabalho dele, clica aqui http://byrata.blogspot.com/
Anônimo disse…
Hetu is marking the Net. And the mob has ass in Oregon. And the UN and Nice are developing the information through Mann and Natalie. And that the real SHARCO is Coulter in SA who is Aryan and pedophile with COMBA; and this made that Tea Party difference in those obsessions being heroin addicts as well. With AK's and ACENTO. Rage all out of control with sex. On children.
And the mob has ass in Oregon.
And the UN and Nice are developing the information through Mann and Natalie.
And that the real SHARCO is Coulter in SA who is Aryan and pedophile with COMBA; and this made that Tea Party difference in those obsessions being heroin addicts as well.
With AK's and ACENTO.
Rage all out of control with sex.
On children.